
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse


I live inside a nice cosy log by the side of a field.
cosy:a place that is cosy is small, comfortable, and warm

My needs are not great. A few sunflower seeds or wheat stalks will do me for a meal.
seed:a small, hard object produced by plants, from which a new plant of the same kind grows
stalk:a long narrow part of a plant that supports leaves, fruits, or flowers

For a special treat, the farmer sometimes leaves me a some crumbs of bread and cheese from his lunch.
crumb:a very small piece of dry food, especially bread or cake

When I am thirsty, I drink from the bubbling stream.
thirsty:feeling that you want or need a drink [↪ thirst, hungry]
bubble:a ball of air or gas in liquid
stream:a natural flow of water that moves across the land and is narrower than a river

And I swear that that pure cold water is the freshest, most delicious taste in the world.
swear:to promise that you will do something

Finer than champaign even - and I don’t just mean that as a boast or a figure of speech.
boast:something that you like telling people because you are proud of it

It was of course an honour that he should come and stay with me for a weekend away from his business.
honour:something that makes you feel very proud

What would he make of my humble abode and my simple tastes?
humble:not considering yourself or your ideas to be as important as other people's [≠ proud; ↪ humility]
abode:someone's home - sometimes used humorously
humorously:funny and enjoyable

And when I put some crumbs of cheddar cheese before him for his supper he exclaimed:
exclaim:to say something suddenly and loudly because you are surprised, angry, or excited

“Just the ticket. Exactly what I wanted. Thank you dear nephew for taking such good care of me.”
nephew:the son of your brother or sister, or the son of your husband's or wife's brother or sister [↪ niece, uncle, aunt]

At night he slept in my spare bed in the hedgerow, and in the morning, when I asked him how he had slept he said:
spare:an additional thing, for example a key, that you keep so that it is available
hedgerow: a line of bushes growing along the edge of a field or road

“Splendid, just splendidly. This clear country air of yours is so restful.”
splendid:beautiful and impressive [= magnificent]
restful:peaceful and quiet, making you feel relaxed

Uncle Town Mouse laughed, and I felt that I had perhaps said something silly or tactless.
tactless:likely to upset or embarrass someone without intending to [≠ tactful]

This story is about mouse.
The country mouse lives in cosy log, and the town mouse is his uncle.
The town mouse visits the country mouse.
The word is 350.

2 件のコメント:

KMCheese さんのコメント...

I'm glad you are using an English-English dictionary. On the other hand, I think you are looking up so many words that it is difficult for you to read very much. Please try to guess at the meaning of some of the words without looking them up.

tatata さんのコメント...

OK I'll try.