
Old Sultan


The poor dog, who was lying stretched out in the sun not far off, had heard everything,
stretch out:to lie down, usually in order to sleep or rest

and was sorry that the morrow was to be his last day.
morrow:the next day [= tomorrow]

He had a good friend, the wolf, and he crept out in the evening into the forest to him,
crept:to move in a quiet, careful way, especially to avoid attracting attention

and complained of the fate that awaited him.

To-morrow, early in the morning, your master is going with his wife to make hay,
make hay:to take the opportunity to do something now, because you may not be able to do it later

As usual, during work-time, they will lay the child under the hedge in the shade;
hedge:a row of small bushes or trees growing close together, usually dividing one field or garden from another
shade:slight darkness or shelter from the direct light of the sun made by something blocking it

The plan pleased the dog, and it was carried out just as it was arranged.
arrange: to organize or make plans for something such as a meeting, party, or trip

“Go home at once and make Old Sultan some soggy bread that he will not have to bite,
soggy:unpleasantly wet and soft

and bring the pillow out of my bed, I will give it to him to lie upon.”
pillow:a cloth bag filled with soft material that you put your head on when you are sleeping

The word is 335.
The wolf is nice. but the dog is really poor.
I don't want to get old so much.

1 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

I think you are doing well but you need to read more. Perhaps it would be a good idea not to look up so many words.