
The Minotaur


A long time ago – almost before history began – King Minos ruled the lovely island of Crete.

The father of Minos was none other than Zeus, lord of all the gods,

and he made sure that his son’s wealth and power only grew and grew.

Minos built a navy, and his ships sailed far and wide,
sail:to travel on or across an area of water in a boat or ship

bringing back goods, taxes, and something even more important than those – knowledge.

For instance, when Minos wanted to build a palace that would strike awe
for instance:for example
strike:if something strikes you, you think of it, notice it, or realize that it is important, interesting, true etc
awe:a feeling of great respect and liking for someone or something

and wonder into all who laid eyes on it, he asked his sea captain :

“Of all the palaces you have seen, on all your travels over the seas,

which was the most magnificent?”
magnificent:very good or beautiful, and very impressive

And the sea captain replied:

“Your majesty, the palace of Aegeus , King of Athens,
majesty:used when talking to or about a king or quee

surpasses all others for its beauty and grace.
surpass:to be even better or greater than someone or something else

It was designed by Deadalus and the Athenians boast
boast:something that you like telling people because you are proud of it

that he is the most brilliant architect who has ever lived.”
architect:something that you like telling people because you are proud of it

When he heard this, King Minos ordered the sea captain to fetch Deadalus to Crete.
fetch:to go and get something or someone and bring them back

The sea captain sailed to Athens and told King Aegeus that Minos had need of his chief architect

– and as Minos was the most powerful leader of those times,

King Aegeus could not deny him his wish.

And so Daedalus brought his knowledge and great skill to Crete,

and there he designed a wonderful palace for Minos.

It was built on three floors, which was very high for buildings of those days,

and the bathrooms and kitchens had plumbing that was far ahead of the times.
plumbing:the pipes that water flows through in a building

Everywhere you went inside,

you saw the double headed axe of King Minos which was his symbol of power.

Upstairs, the walls were covered with bright pictures of dances and festivities.

On them, you could see the young men and women of Crete leaping over the horns of bulls.
leap:to jump high into the air or to jump in order to land in a different place

It a dangerous sport indeed, but the Cretens loved to show off their skill and bravery.
indeed:used to introduce an additional statement that emphasizes or supports what you have just said
emphasize:to say something in a strong way

I don' t know what is mean "wonder into all who laid eyes on it, he asked his sea captain".
please teach me.

2 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

Thanks for your question. First of all, if you don't understand a sentence, you need to think about the whole sentence. In this case, the whole sentence is "Minos wanted to build a palace that would strike awe and wonder into all who laid eyes on it." In other words, Minos wanted to build a palace that would impress everyone who looked at it. Does this answer your question?

tatata さんのコメント...

thank you!
I understand now.